5. SIF-tools (niet open-source)¶
5.1. Beschrijving¶
Er zijn verschillende SIF tools die op dit moment nog niet open-source verkrijgbaar zijn. Van onderstaande tools is de verwachting dat ze komend jaar beschikbaar komen
GEN3D2DAT: For creation of DAT-file with characteristics of GEN 3D-files (TOP/BOT)
IDFselect: For selecting cells in IDF-files defined by several conditions (zone file, regions that overlap with zone, value expression)
IPFcolidx: For searching and returning a column number in an IPF-file for a specified columnname
IPFsample: For sampling values in an IDF-file for specified IPF-points, optionally uses bilineair interpolation
IPFsplit: For splitting rows from IPF-file(s) into two or more new IPF-file(s).
ISGinfo: For retrieving info about ISG-file (extent or number of segments)
NumberRounder: Rounds number values in textfile(s)
ResidualAnalysis: For statistics and analysis of IPF-files with model residuals; creates Excelsheet with results for different models; optionally IPF-files witrh residual differences
ISDcreate: For creating ISD-files based from IPF- or GEN-files
iMODWBalFormat: Formats CSV-output of WBALANCE iMOD-batchfunction into Excelsheet per zone, layer and/or layergroup
GENSHPconvert: For converting GEN-files to shapefiles or vice versa.
IPFSHPconvert: For converting IPF-files to shapefiles or vice versa.
IPFselect: For selecting IPF-points in relation to a volume (level, zone), a logical expression and/or some other conditions
IFFselect: For selecting IFF-pathlines by volume (level, zone) or traveltime; also corresponding IPF-files will be written.
IPFGENconvert: For converting IPF- to GEN-files (IPF-points are converted to regular polygon features)
IFFSHPconvert: For converting IFF-files to shapefiles
IPFplot: For plotting timeseries from IPF-files as graphs to png/jpg/etc-files, with several options for formatting, combining lines, etc.
IPFTXTcreate: For creating associated TXT-files (for an IPF-file) with levels (i.e. lithology or filterlevel) for specified columns in an input IPF-file
IDFvoxel: For adding TOP/BOT voxel levels to GeoTOP IDF-files; for adding IDF-files with lithology probabily from input GeoTOP CSV-files
5.2. Specificaties¶
Specificatie |
Type Gereedschap |
databewerking |
URL Repository |
Ontwikkelaar |
Koen van der Hauw/Sweco |
Mede-ontwikkelaars |
Taal |
C# |
documentatie |
beperkt aanwezig binnen tooling zelf |
B&O |
geen afspraken |
tutorials/voorbeelden |
nee |
NHI modellen |
regionale modellen |
Open-source |
Nee, wordt in toekomst beschikbaar gesteld. |
Afhankelijkheid andere software |
Licentie |